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Pregnancy Tips For Working Women

Pregnancy is a life changing journey. Lots of changes occur in your body, mind and life style as the baby developes inside the womb. With more women stepping out and standing shoulder to shoulder with men, the pregnancy changes can cause difficulty at work. Gynaecologist doctors in Solan share some small tips; some words of knowledge can help cope her well with dynamic changes going in her body.

Eat Nutritious Dite

Try to eat home cooked meals. Having cravings during pregnancy is common, avoiding junk food from outside is advised. Nothing can replace the safety and nutrition of home cooked meals, so it is advised to carry your own lunch box to your work place. Eat a well balanced diet . A detailed discussion with obstetrician/ dietician will help. Drink atleast 8 glasses of water in a day to keep your-self well hydrated.

Get Suppliments

Pregnant women are required to take folic acid for atleast the first three months of their pregnancy, while vitamin D is required during the entire course of pregnancy and even afterwards. Iron and calcium suppliments will be prescribed by your doctor from second trimester onwards.

Things To Avoid

Consumption of alcohol tobacco and drugs are strictly prohibited in pregnancy. Drinking alcohol during first trimester can increase the risk of miscarriage and hamper your baby’s brain growth during third trimester. Smoking increases the risk of miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, placental abruption, premature delivery, low birth weight, still birth and SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome). Excess intake of caffiene should also be avoided as it increases the risk of miscarriage. Coffee, tea, cola, chocolate and energy drinks all contain caffine.

Exercise Regulary And Take Adequate Rest

Regular exercise is very helpful for you and your baby. It aids in prevention of pregnancy risks, elevates your mood, increase the chances of smooth labour and delivery, helps you get back to shape after delivery and assists in coping with joint strain that occur during pregnancy. Take out time for pregnancy exercise such as yoga, pilates, brisk walking etc. However, it is best to let your instructor know about your pregnancy to avoid any risks.
Pregnant women should get 8 hours of sleep at night and 2 hours in a day. However day time rest is not possible for working mothers. They should try to take rest as they reach home. Enough sleep keeps your body and mind energetic. Rest is vital for baby developing within you.
Along with keeping all these tips in mind, it is important to regularly consult your treating obstetrician. Shri Balmukand Apex is Best gynaecologist Hospital in Solan, Himachal Pradesh. Contact us today!


Dr. Jiten Sharma

MBBS, MS (Obstetrics & Gynaecology)